Saturday 24 September 2016

Update or Change Service Account Password using PowerShell

SharePoint 2013 SP Managed Account:-

- Service accounts are accounts in Active Directory or you local system that are used by a Service (example: running the SQL Server Agent, Running the Search Crawler).
- Managed accounts are Service Accounts in Active Directory or your local system that are managed by SharePoint (example: automatic password management).
The difference between them is that the Managed Accounts are managed by SharePoint, while a regular Service account is not managed by SharePoint.


Retrieves accounts registered in the configuration database.


Configures the managed account.

There are many ways we can change or update the Service account password.
- Open the server with service account.
- press "Ctr + Alt + Del" and change the password.
- After updated the password run the below script.
or Change the password through AD Service directly.

$password=ConvertTo-SecureString -String $Encrypted -AsPlainText -Force
$m = Get-SPManagedAccount -Identity "DOMAINx\UserY"
Set-SPManagedAccount -Identity $m - ExistingPassword $password -UseExistingPassword $True